

Tech Maharathi is a blog site where internet users can avail informations regarding various subjects under its category.
This blog site is created for sharing latest information in terms of various forms like-Sepecification,Review,Hands on,Comparison of various items related to Technology.
Here any one can find such very specific information about Latest gadgets , Electronics,Lifestyle,Universal facts,Health and many others.
Tech Maharathi is associated with its own only and it is a custom site.
Here in this blog site  google adSense will be associated through which site viewers will be seeing such ads , along with other advertisers.
Tech Maharathi  will not engage or create any abusive act,it will not either liable or responsible for any abusive activity under the website/blog and by its advertisers.
Here we assure that viewers will only see and have content which will not cause harm in terms of showing abusive content or any vulgarity.Although this site/blog is free from Adult content but if any thing will be seen in future or current time we will be apologize for that and instantly we remove it forever to serve  the people of our  website/blog standard way.